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Sustainable Business Law and Corporate Responsibility Basics

What does it mean for businesses to be responsible in today’s world? How can companies strike a balance between profitability and environmental and social responsibilities? What are the legal frameworks that drive sustainable business practices? How can organisations navigate them successfully? This training answers these questions and more, providing a thorough introduction to Sustainable Business Law and Corporate Responsibility. Participants will gain practical insights into key legal frameworks and tools influencing corporate sustainability practices.

The training is free of charge for participants.




Basics of Sustainable Business Law and Corporate Responsibility is a brief 1 ECTS introduction to the key legal frameworks that drive corporate sustainability, including the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), EU Taxonomy, and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The content of the training is provided by the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki.

The training is part of a pilot project for work-life-oriented micro credentials, funded by the Service Center for Continuous Learning and Employment.



Competence goals:
• You understand and identify key elements and concepts of corporate responsibility from the perspective of your own work;
• You can apply what you have learned in your own work and for the benefit of your organization;
• You have relevant basic skills to advance towards more specific areas of sustainable business law and corporate responsibility, can recognize relevant connections to research and find ways to update your skills after the module;
• You have gained new insights from peer discussions across organizations.

The training is part of the Responsible AI-Powered Organization training programme. After this module you have relevant basic skills to advance towards modules for more specific sustainability and ESG regulation.


The training is suitable for anyone interested in the topic. Primarily, it is designed for professionals from various fields who want to develop their expertise in this area. The language of instruction is English, and all assignments must be completed in English.
The selection of participants for the training will be confirmed by the Service Center for Continuous Learning and Employment. After the selection, we will send the applicants an email with information about the selection and instructions for the next steps. 
The number of participants is limited.


The basics of Sustainable Business Law and Corporate Responsibility training consists of hybrid meeting on March 11 (13:00−15:00), and online meetings on March 18 (13:00−15:00), March 25 (13:00−15:00), and March 31, 2025 (13:00−15:00) and self-study in an online learning environment, including practical assignments. After completing this training module, you will have the necessary skill level to continue with more specialized modules in sustainability and ESG reporting.


The skill level of the module is 3/5 (competent problem solver / performer). 

Competence is assessed on a pass/fail scale based on the following criteria:
1)    Independent Study Activities:
Completion of assigned readings, videos, or audio resources.
Submission of a short learning reflection (100-200 words) for each learning unit, summarizing key takeaways.
2)    Completion assignment:
Successful completion of online quizzes (multiple-choice and short-answer questions).


Doctoral Researcher Li Yuan, University of Helsinki

The training has been funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.





Apply for the training by February 24, 2025.

The training is free of charge for students and their employers. The training is funded by the Continuous Learning and Employment Service Center.

No more than 20% of the participants from the same organization will be selected for the training. 

Selections will be made based on the application.

Contact us
Sari Laurila
+358 50 448 8930
Minna Ristimäki
+358 50 4627213
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